I was blessed with lots of hair and you do not really miss something until it starts to go.
About 4 years ago I developed alopecia.

The patches were huge and probably accounted for loss of 50% of my hair. I realised then that something I took for granted and that didn’t hurt could cause so much distress and anguish.

I now have complete regrowth and so can vouch first hand that it can be done provided we do a few things first.

Anuja has had personal experience with alopecia

Anuja has had personal experience with alopecia


  1. Nutrient Intake

  2. Digestion

  3. Thyroid

  4. Stress

  5. Hormones

  6. Support Detox Pathways

  7. Good Sleep

  8. Hydration

Hair loss is not an illness or a disease but is in fact a symptom. It is a sign that there is something on a deeper level that is not working optimally that is creating the outward symptom of loss of hair. Weak nails, dull skin are also similar indicators. In order to fix our problem with hair loss it is therefore important we address it from 2 angles – of course the external products we are using on the hair and the scalp but also the internal state of our health.


Hair is the by-product of good bone health according to Ayurveda and without optimal nutrition we can not have optimal by products of the different dhatus. Ayurveda understands premature hair loss and greying to be signs of pitta imbalance. Which can be correlated to metabolism and endocrine function in the body. As mentioned the thyroid gland, stress, sex hormones can all be involved at creating this dynamic. With a constitutional assessment we can understand which of the doshas are imbalanced in your specific situation and how to work on creating harmony and balance for you. We work with internal and external treatments to support the healthy hair growth.


For more information about Anuja’s treatment approach please
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